Kayla's Birth Story

I’d heard amazing things about the TENS machines – I was going to hire one with Ari’s birth, but I didn’t know where to look. I researched, and found it hard to find a company that hired them for a decent price and had great reviews.

Thankfully, I was approached by Bliss Birth and it made the world of difference for our birth experience with Otis. 

I was approaching my 36th week in my pregnancy when I got a message from the wonderful Ariel from Bliss Birth via my Instagram – @dearestchildren. I was so kindly offered to collaborate and trial their TENS machine for our birth.

I had done research on the machine, and heard a thousand and one great things about them, and also the not so great things but I was determined on having the drug free birth experience again, and wanted to give the machine a go!


It was important to me to do everything I could to have a positive birth experience, still knowing that birth can take it’s own path and being okay with that too. The TENS machine is known for maximising your body’s natural pain fighting abilities, making it the ultimate accessory to your birth if you’re wanting to go down the drug free path.

Within 24 hours of first chatting with Ariel and accepting to trial the TENS I was sent an email with an abundance of information – a usual experience for ALL customers. The information I received was everything you need + more. From tips and articles, to reviews and personal advice. It was fantastic! I didn’t need to google or follow up a thing.

In your pack comes:

  • The Elle TENS machine including contraction timer
  • 4 x brand new reusable electrode pads
  • 2 x brand new AA batteries
  • 2 x leadwires
  • Super easy to read instruction booklet
  • Australia Post satchel for easy pre-paid return

A recommendation for the TENS is to give it a go around 37 weeks, so once it arrived (super quickly might I add!) we gave it a try so we knew how to work it once the big day arrived. Todd thought it would be hilarious to press the ‘boost’ button in our little trial run – something I do not recommend is giving your partner the machine…. It is definitely not a nice feeling when not in labour!

Hiring the TENS is a great way to try it without forking out the money to purchase one brand new. Bliss Birth have an 8 week hire period – so you have plenty of time before and after birth to trial it, use it during your labour/birth and then returning it after use without having to rush around. This is the longest hire period available – so a major plus!

As my pregnancy went on, I packed my hospital bag at 38 weeks – with my TENS in it. I was so excited to use it! I was overdue, and anticipating when I’d meet our baby, surely any day now.


Finally, the morning of the 12th of May came – I had a 4 hour labour from start to finish, and 3 of which I didn’t actually know or feel as if I was actually in labour. Inconsistent surges, the pain was uncomfortable but not unbearable so I didn’t get out the TENS thinking it was just mild cramping…

Active labour started an hour before Otis arrived, and this is when I got hubby to put the TENS on. You get four patches as pictured above – place them where you’d feel comfortable with where your pain is. Usually 2 on the lower back and 2 in the middle of the back. This is where I had mine, and my goodness – it was bliss!

That last hour was incredibly intense, and the few moments I had the TENS off to jump in the shower was horrible. I couldn’t be without it, and it became my safe haven. I don’t know what I would have done without it! I honestly had doubts on how much it would actually work for me – but I was and still am super surprised with it!

As soon as a surge came, you click that ‘boost’ button and it’s a sensation throughout your back that you completely focus on, while you’re going through this, the TENS is also timing your surges too – so helpful! Once the surge is over, click the ‘boost’ again and it returns back to the ‘burst’ which is just smaller sensations with whatever you’ve comfortably set it on.


I honestly couldn’t recommend the TENS machine enough – I loved every moment of mine. Bliss Birth are absolutely amazing for bringing out an easy way of hiring the TENS, I wish had found them sooner for Ari’s birth. I had horrible back labour with him, and I would have been able to bear it a lot easier if I had this.

Read more of Kayla's story on her blog Dearest Children