Bliss Blog

Kayla's Birth Story

Kayla's Birth Story

That last hour was incredibly intense, and the few moments I had the TENS off to jump in the shower was horrible. I couldn’t be without it, and it became my safe haven. I don’t know what I would have done without it! I honestly had doubts on how much it would actually work for me – but I was and still am super surprised with it!


Everything I didnt know how to say when you told me you were pregnant

Announcing pregnancy to friends in Australia with Bliss Birth Labour Tens Hire
When you told me you were pregnant I said ‘Congratulations’, because I didn’t know how to say everything I wanted to say.

Then my midwife did the coldest thing that anyone has ever done to me...

newborn, birth story, natural birth, birth plan, should I use a tens, how does tens work, midwife, mgp, australian, Elle tens plus, labour tens machine unit, obstetric tens, birth, pregnancy, maternity, hire, rental, Australia, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC,

Let’s be honest, birth is far from blissful. But let me explain.

My midwife was a total badass, cool as a cucumber under pressure -  a great match for my bossy personality. I knew that if I pushed her she would push back just as hard.

But then she broke my waters.

Pain relief for your labour without drugs - What is TENS?

Elle tens plus, labour tens machine unit, obstetric tens, birth, pregnancy, maternity, hire, rental, Australia, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Adelaide SA, Brisbane Queensland QLD, Hobart TAS Tasmania, Northern Territory, Wollongong, Newcastle, Southern Highl
What is a TENS machine? TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and provides drug-free pain relief. This can be used for all so...