Bliss Blog

Stand and Deliver - A midwife speaks out about birthing positions

Birthing positions, birthing upright, birthing ball, birthing lying down or standing up, birth plan, midwife, Hannah Dahlen, midwifery research, easier labour, the virgin birth painting, mobile, natural birthing, gravity, risk of tear or tearing labour
Hollywood movies, old paintings (and selfies on Instagram) have taught us that women give birth with perfect hair and makeup in a hospital bed. 78%...

Don't hire a doppler; it could save your baby's life!

dont hire a doppler it could harm your baby, fetal movements, heart beat monitor app, safe pregnancy, natural pregnancy
I was recently speaking to a nurse who works in an acute care ward of a women’s hospital, who regularly works with antenatal and postnatal women for whom things haven’t gone to plan. She was complaining about the risks mums-to-be are taking using dopplers and heart beat monitor apps at home.