Bliss Blog
I'm in labour, why does my midwife keep encouraging me to stay at home?
Why Staying Home During Early Labour Was the Best Decision for Me
Labour is one of the most transformative experiences in life, and the choices ...
Simone's empowered birth
The TENS machine was amazing, definitely took the edge off. I alternated positions a lot, and changed it up between meditation music and the high energy playlist when I needed to get moving. Jan did light touch massage for relaxation and firmer pressure on my hips when I needed it. I really focussed on keeping loose, light and happy. I felt really good and in control most of the time.
Stand and Deliver - A midwife speaks out about birthing positions
Hollywood movies, old paintings (and selfies on Instagram) have taught us that women give birth with perfect hair and makeup in a hospital bed. 78%...